Poems Lately

Sometimes the notes scribbled into my Notes app end up kind of poetic.

This one was written in the early days of May, when I caught the first glimpses of summer, while waiting for the bus to work.

Summer Nostalgia

Long days that feel like they never end

Flowers are abundant, biking is pleasant

There’s a reason to be outside again, with the trees

Late nights sitting in courtyards and patios catching up with friends

Family time and childhood friends back in your small hometown

The world is on vacation mode, on sabbatical from the daily grind

Things move slower because people just want to relax

Ice cream. Stone fruit. Watermelon. Fireworks. The beach. Things that make you stop and truly appreciate the moment. They’re relevant again

The warm weather makes you just want to lounge around, look for a nice breeze. (And that breeze is on your side, instead of chilling you to the bone)

Your one job is to not overheat

It’s a feeling. It’s anticipation. It’s hope for better days

And the promise of it all is magical

This one was penned the day before my wedding at 4:00 am when I couldn’t sleep. I have no recollection of writing this note, but I’m getting kind of choked up reading it back?

Bruises and All

Every bruise on your body proves you’ve lived

The uneven tan line on my neck from unforgiving Peruvian sun as we hiked sacred Incan land

The sprained thumb from trying to give it my all during a long climbing session

The bruises from slipping, learning, trying again, growing. They go away but the lessons stay with you forever 

The impinged shoulder from lifting weights that were a bit too heavy, but those same weights got me stronger and built the body I use to run from place to place everyday

The black toenail from casually running across the entirety of San Francisco on a beautiful morning with tens of thousands of people in costumes and good cheer. The fact that I can casually do that

The smiles lines on my face from the laughter Simon brings into my life everyday

How could I ever hate my back or my arms? They just got me my first pull-up

Tomorrow I’ll have to don a wedding dress with the expectation to look perfect

But it won’t be me unless I wear it with bruises and all