

Someday, I want to be free.

I want to create beautiful photographs like Nicole Warne and Carin Olsson.

I want to travel the world like Jessica Stein.

I want to reinvent art and live fabulously in New York like Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg.

I want to be as elegantly stylish as Kate Middleton.

I want to tell stories like Walt Disney.

I want to be defined by what I accomplish myself like Amal Alamuddin.

I want to be an activist like Emma Watson, and speak for women's rights.

I want to be influential like Michelle Obama, and implement changes that benefit the children of tomorrow.

I want to be an entrepreneur like Michelle Phan, and create build an empire founded on the passion to create and share, and inspire others to dream.

I want to be as multi-talented as the Hough siblings.

I want to be a self-made #girlboss like Sophia Amoruso.

I want to entertain the world with humor like Ellen Degeneres, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Kristen Wiig, and Amy Schumer. 

I want to live a man's life in a woman's body like Diane von Furstenberg and Sheryl Sandberg.

I want to be my own boss and create a niche for me in this world without being defined by conventions, expectations, or traditions. I want to be obsessed and in love with the work I do and the satisfying life I lead.

Someday, I want to be my favorite version of me.