Portrait of a Lady


For my last shoot of the quarter, I photographed Kaylene in the studio. We shot a few different looks, but my favorite was the last one, a simple Annie Leibovitz-inspired cover shot that resembles a modern twist on a Rembrandt painting. Lately I've been really inspired by photographer Jamie Beck's self-portrait series. Photographing herself with flowers and beautifully draped fabrics, Jamie creates images (and moving images) that reflect her new small-town life in Provence, France. Soaking in French culture, she spends her days practicing her art, creating dreamy photographs that take us back to the dark room days and the Romantic period. I'm so inspired by what Jamie is doing as photographer, taking time to find meaning in her craft and leaving everything behind to focus on personal work. I want to stop getting lost in the world of fast fashion and commerce, and replicating photographic styles that are "trendy" but trite.


I don't think I'll ever develop my own distinct style in photography, but that's the beauty of never having to stop learning and experimenting. I love this photo, and the way I processed it. I want to create more photographs that resemble paintings. Less fast photography, more meaningful fine art photography.