Pool lounging, beachfront brunches, daily massages, and the most magnificent architectural wood carving masterpiece.
Read MoreA day enjoying the slower pace of life here on Cheung Chau, an island full of beaches, boats, hikes, and buns!
Read MoreBeing Chinese-American, I feel a personal connection to Guo Pei and many of the themes motivating her work. Her artistic approach is deeply rooted in her heritage and ever-evolving with contemporary fashion practices, her artistic innovation, and transcultural perspective.
Read MoreSimon and I always joke that we act like we’re in our late 30s: paying mortgage, taking care of ourselves, and honestly just working towards things we truly enjoy.
Read MoreThe vision was to create limited edition art pieces that celebrate things we did with friends this year.
Read MoreNew Orleans is such an amazing place to visit, full of life, culture, food, and an endless amount of entertainment.
Read MoreAs someone who spends way too much time in a digital world where flaws literally aren’t possible, I love seeing small ink blots, misaligned layers, and grainy coverage.
Read MoreWhen I was starting out, tech jobs were so mysterious. Unless you hit up a career fair in college and worked an internship in Big Tech (both of which I missed because my career journey had its fair share of twists and turns), I had zero idea how people did it.
Read MoreMaybe it’s the the winding cobblestone roads, sweet shopkeepers, or the sight of laundry hanging out on the balcony, but Portuguese cities feel more lived-in and genuine, unjaded by tourism.
Read MoreA 5-part story: cloudy dramatic mornings, the magic of Montmartre, Versailles: town and country, autumn in Paris, and the legacy of Dior.
Read MoreLately my work has been less about the work work and more about people.
Read MoreMaybe it’s just rosy retrospection, but I want to live like it’s 2020 again.
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